Author: AIN Editor

Volume 47 – 2

دور قوانين المصايد المحلية والاتفاقيات الدولية في إدارة سلامة سفن الصيد في مصر

عبد الخالق كمال الدين سلمي – هشام محمود هلال – علاء الدين أحمد كمال الحويط
Received 10/07/2023, Revised 15/08/2023, Acceptance 21/08/2023, Available online and Published 01/01/2024


تعتبر لقوانين ادارة المصايد تأثير كبير على سلامة سفن الصيد حيث إن قراراتهم يمكن أن تؤدي الي حوادث وقد تجبر مالك السفينة والصيادين لتحمل مخاطر الصيد في الطقس السيئ او مسافات ابعد ولعدد أيام أكثر من المعتاد بسبب الضغوط الاقتصادية والاجتماعية. اكدت المنظمات الدولية ILO وIMO وFAO على أن مهنة الصيد مازالت من أخطر المهن في العالم. تقدر عدد الوفيات في مصايد الأسماك 32000 وفاة في السنة. بلغ عدد حوادث سفن الصيد في مصر (2011-2020) 979 حادثة طبقا كتاب الإحصائيات السمكية السنوي الصادر عن GAFRD (2020) . فالمشكلة أن قوانين ادارة المصايد البحرية في مصر تعاني من قصور في السلامة مما أدى إلى حوادث سببت كثيرا من الإصابات والوفيات للصيادين. يهدف البحث إلى دراسة قوانين سلامة سفن الصيد المصرية ثم دمجها في قوانين إدارة المصايد لتقليل الحوادث. من خلال مراجعة الأدبيات، تبين ان هناك ندرة في الأبحاث المصرية عن سلامة سفن الصيد. يعتبر البحث وصفي تحليلي يعتني بمجال العلوم الإنسانية باستخدام استقصاء مقياس ليكرت الخماسي في الاستبيان الذي تم توزيعه على عينة من خبراء المصايد ثم اجراء تحليل (SWOT) لتطوير القوانين الحالية. تستند فرضية البحث على انه إذا تم دمج الاتفاقيات الدولية ذات الصلة بالسلامة في قوانين إدارة المصايد بذلك تقل الحوادث. يوضح البحث العلاقة بين قوانين ادارة المصايد وسلامة الصيادين وكيفية التغلب على معوقات تطبيق قواعد السلامة. تكمن أهمية البحث في ربط قوانين السلامة المحلية بالاتفاقيات الدولية كذلك المساهمة في تحسين إدارة سلامة سفن الصيد في مصر للحد من الحوادث.


Volume 47 – 1

دور البيئة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية للصيادين على سلامة سفن الصيد في مصر

عبد الخالق كمال الدين سلمي – هشام محمود هلال  – علاء الدين أحمد كمال الحويط
Received 08/05/2023, Revised 25/06/2023, Acceptance 06/07/2023, Available online and Published 01/01/2024


تعتبر إدارة المصايد منظومة معقدة تعتمد على متغيرات كثيرة تؤثر على سلامة سفن الصيد لذلك فإن فهم سلطات إدارة مصايد الأسماك لبيئة الصيادين الاقتصادية والاجتماعية له تأثير كبير على سلامة سفن الصيد والمساعدة في حسن اتخاذ القرار والحد من تكرار الحوادث كما ظهر من إعداد حوادث سفن الصيد والصيادين في مصر خلال الفترة من (2011 إلى 2020). وأكدت تقارير منظمةILO  وFAO على أن مهنة الصيد مازالت من أخطر المهن في العالم حتى في وجود تدابير سلامة عالية وأطقم مدربة كما في الدول المتقدمة، بينما تكون المخاطر أكبر في الدول النامية بسبب عدة عوامل؛ من أهمها تدني الحالة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية، وكذلك ضعف ثقافة السلامة لدى الصيادين. وأيضًا نظرة مالكي سفن الصيد لمعدات السلامة على أنها مكلفة دون زيادة الإنتاج، مما أدى إلى حوادث بحرية سببت كثيرا من الإصابات والوفيات للصيادين مما يتطلب مجموعة من الحلول لتحسين سلامة سفن الصيد. ولذا ظهرت مشكلة ضعف اهتمام إدارة مصايد الأسماك المصرية بسلامة سفن الصيد، ويهدف البحث إلى تقييم البيئة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية للصيادين في مصر وأثرها على سلامة سفن الصيد ثم اقتراح حلول قابلة للتطبيق لتحسين أحوال الصيادين الاقتصادية والاجتماعية ونشر ثقافة السلامة للحد من الحوادث. وتم الاستعانة بالمراجع والأدبيات لاستكشاف البيئة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والعوامل المؤثرة على سلامة سفن الصيد واستخراج الفجوات البحثية والمساعدة في اتخاذ قرارات من أجل تنمية الثروة السمكية لأهميتها للاقتصاد المصري. يعتبر البحث وصفي تحليلي ويعتني بمجال العلوم الإنسانية باستخدام استقصاء (استبيان) لعينة من الصيادين لتحديد العوامل التي تؤثر على ثقافة وسلوك السلامة للصيادين ثم إجراء تحليل (SWOT) لتحديد نقاط القوة والضعف للمنظومة الحالية. تستند فرضية البحث على أنه إذا تم حل مشكلات الصيادين الاجتماعية والاقتصادية بذلك تتحسن ثقافة وسلوك السلامة للصيادين مما يؤدي إلى الحد من حوادث الوفاة والإصابات. وأظهرت النتائج أهم العوامل التي تؤثر على سلامة سفن الصيد والعلاقة بينها وبين البيئة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسلامة للصيادين. وأيضا التأثير الإيجابي المتوقع لنتائج البحث التي يمكن أن تساعد الباحثين وسلطات إدارة سلامة سفن الصيد على فهم وجهة نظر الصيادين في الخدمات المقدمة لهم من تعاونيات الثروة المائية. كما أفادت الدراسة في تقديم أنسب الحلول الاقتصادية والاجتماعية لتحسين إدارة منظومة سلامة الأفراد على متن سفن الصيد المصرية.

Volume 46 – 7

A Decade of ECDIS: Analytical Review of the ECDIS Effect Towards the Safetyof Maritime Shipping
Mahmoud Shawky Shehata, Sherif Aly, Amr Moneer Ibrahim
Received 26/10/2022, Revised 2/12/2022, Acceptance 5/01/2023, Available online  and Published 01/07/2023


The Electronic Charts Display Information System (ECDIS) on board ships is one of the latest amendments that have been stipulated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) since 2008 and had been widely spread in 2012, and the main purpose of implementing the use of ECDIS was to use modern technology to help in operating ships to obtain a safe navigational watch and a safe approach and mooring in ports. Additionally, it facilitates voyage planning as an easy-to-use tool.

Hence, ten years passed (2012-2022). The question arose, was the use of ECDIS considered an improvement to the safe operation of ships, or, on the contrary, it led to an increase in marine accidents?

The authors initiated the study after the hypothesis that the ECDIS could be a major cause of marine accidents, and the authors found that the statistics in the hands of the researchers were not indicative of a conclusive opinion. Therefore, the researcher used the criterion of questionnaire as a means of quantitative statistics as a research tool to identify the opinion and vision of bridge seafarers for the use of ECDIS in a decade and to identify if any development is needed either in operational or educational sight.

The methodology used in this research was the qualitative analysis data method through a questionnaire for different ECDIS users and indicated that the equipment carried an unprecedented positive effect on the safety of navigation. The questionnaire was based on 10 different questions. Yet, a great fraction agreed that there is a massive room for improvement in the areas of software, hardware, and external sensors to effectively contribute to an efficient Integrated Bridge System.

Volume 46 – 14

Technological Innovations in the Maritime Sector:
A Comprehensive Analysis of Intelligence Knowledge and Industry Dynamics for Graduates Adaptation
Eslam Abdelghany E. Mohamed, Capt. Ahmad Elnoury
Received 08/08/2023, Revised 19/40/2023, Acceptance 22/06/2023, Available online  and Published 01/07/2023


Interpersonal skills used by mates, such as situational awareness, decision-making, workload management, communication, and leadership, complement the requirements of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW) 1978, as amended. The GMP taxonomy helps categorize these skills, including leadership, which can be developed through cognitive growth and emotional attributes (Fjeld et al., 2018).

There have been few studies on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in maritime education, resulting in a gap between the maritime industries and education (Yang et al. 2019; Mirovi and Milievi et al. 2018). However, Zhang and Lam (2019) discovered that the primary impediments to enharmonic development in the marine sector are a lack of executive sponsorship and a lack of expertise. This paper demonstrates the importance of developing maritime education, bridging the gap between technological progress and the readiness of maritime institutes to change the honor and capabilities of crew and staff on board modern ships, by reviewing the various methods that can be used to change education and training, such as an AI and Virtual Reality techniques (VR). Moreover, it employed the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) technique to acquire the outcomes. revealed that graduates exhibit greater unease than professionals regarding potential expulsion from the workforce, believing that their acquired expertise and computational thinking skills will not facilitate employment in diverse sectors of the maritime industry. A descriptive approach was employed as the chosen methodology for capturing a comprehensive understanding of the efficiency of the new technology.

Volume 46 – 13

Impact of Risk Assessment of ECDIS on Its Situational Awareness for Marine Officers
Ahmed Khalil Tawfik Barghash, Hesham Helal, Nafea Shaban
Received 08/11/2022, Revised 12/01/2023, Acceptance 25/02/2023, Available online and Published 01/07/2023


For passage planning, Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is a vital operational tool that is acknowledged as being compatible with current paper charts. As e-navigation becomes increasingly significant by combining existing and new technologies to increase navigation safety, commercial efficiency, and security, the creation of e-navigational tools has been launched. Automatic Identification System (AIS), Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA), and Navigational Telex (NAVTEX), as well as the Tide and Sailing Direction programs, are examples of these devices. Although ECDIS as an excellent navigational tool for maritime safety, it is still facing several challenges with different onboard scenarios, which threaten marine safety and prevent having the best decision in the presence of ECDIS onboard, whether primary or aid to navigation. This study aims to discuss the officers’ situational awareness for smart navigation by addressing ECDIS issues and reaching a sufficient level of ECDIS performance. In this research a mixed approach (Interview and Questionnaires) conducted to explore risk assessment factors that could enhance officer’s situational awareness by using ((NVivo)/ analysis of a moment structures (AMOs) / Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) programs. The survey used a Questioners as a data collection method, various data analysis techniques are employed to meet research objectives. This study aims to discover if ECDIS is connected to additional Navigational Aid devices through 3 Risk Assessment dimensions (collision avoidance, under keel clearance, weather and navigation warning) will be enhance officers’ situational awareness. Study concluded that devices such as (AIS, RADAR, ARPA and NAVTEX) in addition to TIDE program are important and will be very useful if they are linked with ECDIS and enhance officers’ situational awareness.

Volume 46 – 12

Khaled M. Marghany, Mostafa Mohamed Abdelguid Youssef
Received 16/10/2022, Revised 28/12/2022, Acceptance 30/01/2023, Available online  and Published 01/07/2023


Over the next five years, shipping industry is predicted to grow at a 3.4% annual rate. However, marine accidents are on the rise, threatening both safety and expenses. Marine accidents happen for a variety of causes, including ergonomic issues, ergonomics is the study of how individuals interact with other components of a system, and it employs theory, concepts, data, and approaches to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. This paper aimed to assess physical ergonomic elements and reviewed the previous studies related to ergonomic factors, particularly those related to the marine industry; furthermore, a variety of physical ergonomic factors were selected to be evaluated in a tanker ship as case study. Using statistical analysis to assess physical ergonomic elements in other merchant ships and to compare the results to case study result for finding out the level of similarity, it was discovered that the majority of physical ergonomic factors were unsatisfactory, including severe consequences as a result of poor workplace design such as inadequate lighting, extreme temperature and noise.

Volume 46 – 11

Impact of Dry Port on Seaport Competitiveness
Mohamed Shendy, Shimaa Abd El Rasoul
Received 14/12/2022, Revised 02/01/2023, Acceptance 30/01/2023, Available online  and Published 01/07/2023


Ports play an important role in connecting individuals in need of logistics services with organizations that provide logistics services. Rather of being merely transshipment hubs. Ports have recently evolved into integrated logistics centers with a continuous transport chain, with these developments primarily relying on the supply chain systems of major port operators. Though changes impact terminal handling traffic, rising quantities have increased job pressure, as well as congestion levels and dwell periods in terminal areas. The dry port model relies on a seaport which is directly connected to inland intermodal stations, where freight may be rotated immediately to the seaport in intermodal loading units.

This research investigates the influence of vessel growth on port competitiveness and investigates integration between seaports and dry ports to counteract the huge increase in ship size at seaports. To achieve this goal, a survey was conducted to measure the relationship between dry ports and seaports. This paper also illustrates how the vessel expansion is associated with reduced operational efficiency, congestion, limited capacity and infrastructure support, outdated guidelines for existing port development, and the urgent need for additional investment in spatial development, and human resource development. 

Volume 46 – 10

The Digitization Technology for the Deaf on Cruise Passenger ships “the Problems and the Solutions”
Hesham Mahmoud Helal, Mahmoud Abdul Rahman Hussein, Nabil Mahmoud Ahmed
Received 22/11/2022, Revised 27/02/2023, Acceptance 04/04/2023, Available online  and Published 01/07/2023


Deaf people are an entity that exists in all societies and countries. The problem is deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) face major difficulties during transportation of all kinds, especially marine ones. This Study clarifies those challenges, problems and draws the attention of governments, international organizations, and associations to the requirement for improving the field of maritime transport. A questionnaire was developed for the deaf to identify the problems facing the deaf and how to find solutions to these problems (about 380 deaf people participated in).

 Another questionnaire was developed for seafarers in the field of cruise and marine passenger transport, in order to recognize the problems, also there are many interviews with workers during their contacts with the deaf and their participation in providing solutions, and approximately 60 people participated in. 

The results reveal that the deaf community does not enjoy all rights in transportation. The research has many limitations, it is so difficult to gain a sample of participants chosen from the DHH in the Arab countries, and also very difficult to communicate with them. In addition to, the lack of research, references, and studies on this concern.

Volume 46 – 9

The Effect of Safety Philosophical Factors on Risk Management
Mohamed H. M. Hassan, Ahmed Mohmed Aly SalemNour A Marey, El-Sayed H Hegazy
Received 10 March 2023, Revised 12 May 2023, Acceptance 14 June 2023, Available online and Published 01 July 2023


Since Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is regarded as one of the cleanest fossil fuels, the primary goal of this study is to collect data concerning the bunkering of LNG in Maritime Industry. The purpose of the current research is to look into Safety Philosophical Factors and how it could affect risk management. To investigate this relationship, quantitative data are collected from questionnaires that are distributed among 200 seafarers. Finally, the findings of correlation analysis showed a significant relationship between safety philosophical factors and risk management, while the regression analysis showed a positive significant impact of safety philosophical factors on risk management.

Volume 46 – 8

Experimental Investigation of Main Journal Bearing Performance in Marine Applications with Heavy Loads at Slow Speeds Utilizing Different Grade Oils
Nour A Marey, El-Sayed H Hegazy
Received 22/11/2022, Revised 02/01/2023, Acceptance 15/03/2023, Available online  and Published 01/07/2023


Heavy loads are known to be among the most critical operational factors affecting the behavior of the lubricating oil film within journal bearing related to marine slow speed diesel engines. In light of the fact, a comprehensive investigation was carried out to examine the performance of journal bearing under heavy loads resulting from increased maximum pressure within the combustion chamber. Further, the research test trial procedures have been extended to cover the different speed ranges of 40 rpm, 85 rpm and 105 rpm, as corresponding to the engine loads (40 %, 85% and 100 % respectively), together with the different oil grades of 20W50, 5W40 and 0W30. Universal Journal Bearing Test Rig (UJBTR) was utilized for conducting the experimental test trials due to its capability to contain versatile variations regarding the key operational factors. Experimental test trials basically based on tracing the changes in the oil film pressure distribution and the maximum oil film pressure values, have given insight into the behavior of heavy-loaded journal bearing of diesel engine related to ships. Based all the experimental test trials under optimal and heavy load conditions, oil grade 5W40 was concluded to provide the most optimal operating conditions for all tested speed ranges.